Sproat Lake, Vancouver Island, BC

What Angle Should I Mount My Solar Panels?

What Angle Should I Mount My Solar Panels?

Why Does It Matter How You Mount Your Solar Panels?

  • How Does The Lattitude Affect My Solar Panels?
  • How Does The Season affect The Power On My panels?
  • Flat Roof VS Ground Mount?
  • What Are Your Energy Goals?
  • How Much Available Space Do You Have?
  • Why Does Shading Affect My Solar Panel Energy Output?
  • Conclusion

The optimal angle at which to mount your solar panels depends on your geographical location and the specific goals you have for your solar energy system. The angle, often referred to as the tilt or tilt angle, determines how directly the solar panels face the sun and can significantly impact their energy production over the course of a year.

Here are some general guidelines to consider when determining the optimal angle for mounting your solar panels:

brown brick house with solar panels on roof

How Does Lattitude Affect My Solar Panels?

Latitude: The angle of your solar panels should be roughly equal to your latitude. For example, if you’re located at 35 degrees latitude, your panels’ tilt angle should be around 35 degrees. This angle allows the panels to capture the most sunlight over the course of a year.

brown and white concrete house

How Does The Season Affect The Energy Of My Solar Panels?

Seasonal Adjustments: If your solar panel installation is adjustable, you might consider changing the tilt angle seasonally. During the winter months, you can increase the tilt angle to capture more sunlight as the sun is lower in the sky. In the summer, you can decrease the tilt angle to avoid overproduction.

Flat Roof vs Ground Mount?

Flat Roof vs. Ground Mount: If you’re mounting panels on a flat roof, you might need to adjust the angle based on the pitch of the roof. For ground-mounted systems, you have more flexibility to adjust the angle to match your latitude.

black and silver solar panel

What Are Your Energy Goals?

Energy Goals: If your primary goal is to maximize energy production during a specific season (e.g., summer when air conditioning demand is high), you might adjust the tilt angle accordingly.

man in white dress shirt and blue denim jeans sitting on white and black solar panel

How Much Available Space Do You Have?

Available Space: Consider the space available for mounting. In some cases, you might not have the flexibility to adjust the angle significantly, and you’ll need to work with the existing conditions.

How Much Does Shading affect My Solar Energy Output?

Shading: If shading from nearby structures or trees is a concern, you might need to adjust the angle to minimize shading impact.

solar panels on green field


It’s important to note that while optimizing the tilt angle can increase overall energy production, the difference in efficiency between an optimized angle and a less optimized angle might not be substantial. If the angle adjustment is not practical or cost-effective, having solar panels at a fixed angle that is close to your latitude can still provide good energy production throughout the year.

If you’re unsure about the best angle for your specific situation, it’s a good idea to consult with a solar professional or use online solar tools that can calculate the optimal tilt angle based on your location and energy goals.

Thank you for taking the time to explore this article. At IOTG Solar, our mission is to empower individuals with knowledge about solar energy. Through education, we aim to guide you on a journey of discovery, helping you uncover the potential of solar energy and bring your energy-generating aspirations to life. Your pursuit of a sustainable and brighter future resonates deeply with us, and we are here to support you every step of the way.